Anti-Aging Natural Skin Care Treatment, Food And Recipe!

If you've thought about eating a healthier diet a good way to do it is by substituting some raw food recipes for some of the daily cooked food recipes you use now. This is just another way to look at copy cat recipes.

However A2 cow ghee the Persians the Turks and the Arabs like the north Africans drink their tea without milk. And instead of stirring sugar into the drink, they put cubes of sugar into the mouth and drink the tea through that.


Humans are the only animals on earth that drink the milk of another species. And, animals stop drinking mother's milk once they are weaned. That's just YUK, if you think about it!

I would advise for a container full of yoghurt too. I have found sour yoghurt, best for churning. Thus, keep yoghurt in open; out of the refrigerator for at least few hours. Its smell would indicate it has become sour and if required you can taste too.

When I was a child, it was common to pour tea into a saucer and sip it from the saucer. But this has mostly died out, for etiquette reasons. And maybe because it is now modern to drink tea out of a mug!



So, what do I suggest. In our house we use rice milk, almond milk, coconut milk, and mimiccreme to replace cow's milk. If we do need to use yogurt or something like that then we always use organic. And to substitute for butter, we use ghee. Check out my video on how to make gourmet ghee for yourself. It is super easy and super good.

Whey protein powder are easy to stir and digest once taken into your body. You can mix it to any beverages and get more extra protein that your body needs. You can also try to mix it with your diet food if you need lots of protein in your body. You can even combine it with some other fruits like banana and do some banana shakes. Aside from the protein here you need you can even get more food nutrients out of the whey protein shake you made. Once you take it after workout it will make up the wear and tear of your muscles.

There is variety of types available of these protein bars. They are sold in various forms on the market, such as diet, pure, crunchy, or energy bars that are suitable for the users. While choosing these products keep few points in mind. Firstly, check the calorie level especially if you are on weight loss plan. Secondly, check the carbohydrate content and sugar alcohol as well. Also check the saturated and trans fats and choose the product with low content.

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